ICE WATER PURIFIER FOR STORE rental installation Tip Jeongho Nice

ICE WATER PURIFIER FOR STORE rental installation Tip Jeongho Nice

Cheapest price for Jeonho Nice rental, cash free gift readily-safe and reliable Jeongho At the official reception of the head office, home appliances such as water purifiers, washlets, and air purifiers are up to 10%…

Cheapest price for Jeonho Nice rental, cash free gift readily-safe and reliable Jeongho At the official reception of the head office, home appliances such as water purifiers, washlets, and air purifiers are up to 10%…

ICE WATER PURIFIER FOR STORE rental installation Tip Jeongho Nice

I’m going to visit a new shop of an acquaintance I met this time. I’m helping him with various things, and I found out that he needs a water purifier among them. Since it’s a restaurant, water purifiers seem to be essential items. So I looked into the ice water purifier for Cheonho store. There are various water purifier brands in Korea, but it was really difficult to compare their performance and various functions. So I decided to look it up for my friend who is opening a shop.

Today, I’m going to give you some tips that will help you choose an ice water purifier for Cheongho branch. When I looked into it this time, there were various water purifier brands in Korea. We compared the four most representative brands. (Based on a three-year contract) Comparing the four representative brands, Jeongho Nice confirmed that the price is higher than other brands.

Sanitation is the most important thing because water purifiers provide water that we drink. Therefore, the more functions it has to deal with hygiene, the higher the price of water purifiers. Then, what are the hygiene areas that must be checked with a water purifier? Automatic sterilization – removes bacteria from water purifier products. Stainless steel – Use materials that are resistant to bacteria. Visiting service – Visits regularly for sterilization, cleaning, replacement, etc.

Cheapest price for Jeonho Nice rental, cash free gift readily-safe and reliable Jeongho At the official reception of the head office, home appliances such as water purifiers, washlets, and air purifiers are up to 10%…

Other hygiene features – include convenience and energy-saving features. Like this, there is a hygiene field that needs to be checked with ice water purifiers for Cheongho stores. It has automatic sterilization, stainless steel, door-to-door service and other hygiene functions. 1) The automatic sterilization function offers a variety of sterilization methods. Typical sterilization functions include UV-C ultraviolet sterilization, UV sterilization using chlorine ion electrolysis, electrolysis using electrolytic water, and sterilization using hot water.

Each product has a different sterilization range, but there is no significant difference in the efficacy of removing bacteria, so please refer to it. (Kuku: Inside, outside sterilization, Cheongho Nice) : Euro tube sterilization) Stainless steel products are hygienic and have good hygiene quality due to low bacterial growth. Products without stainless steel are likely to have plastic interior parts. Plastic is less hygienic than stainless steel.Visiting care services are also important in terms of hygiene. Please also consider the visit care service that the coordinator visits and manages. The visit cycle was short and the management range was wide, so we used the ice water purifier for Cheongho store more hygienically. The scope of care is largely sterilization, cleaning, and parts replacement, and each brand has a different scope of care, so it is recommended to check the scope of visiting care services before selecting a brand. 4) Other sanitation – The last factor affecting sanitation of the automatic drainage function was the automatic drainage function.Visiting care services are also important in terms of hygiene. Please also consider the visit care service that the coordinator visits and manages. The visit cycle was short and the management range was wide, so we used the ice water purifier for Cheongho store more hygienically. The scope of care is largely sterilization, cleaning, and parts replacement, and each brand has a different scope of care, so it is recommended to check the scope of visiting care services before selecting a brand. 4) Other sanitation – The last factor affecting sanitation of the automatic drainage function was the automatic drainage function.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image